
Home Makeover 2- From Red to Red?

IMG_0075 IMG_0074 DSC_0067The first room to get a new look in our KY home was the dining room. It started off as a Cranberry Red. Not a bad shade but a little too pink for my color palette. As you can see in the first 2 pictures as I apply the Brick red it looks almost orange on the original paint. I have learned not to make a judgment on the color until all the walls are done because it is difficult to look past the conflict of the old and new colors. The final result- a nice warm red that showcases the existing top treatments ( yay, don’t have to buy new ones) and the white wood work, but will also harmonize with the colors in the rest of the house. In fact- this brick red may very likely turn up somewhere else!

What I learaned in this process? Red paint is a lot like red lipstick! It needs to be  surrounded by neutral colors because it really likes to be the star of the show AND it can be challenging to apply and keep within the lines. A q-tip dipped in makeup remover followed by a clean up with just a little liquid foundation on a brush is a great way to perfect an imperfect red lip line. I wish that touching up the crown molding was that easy but it wasn’t. Now that it’s done I love the clean crisp look!

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