The Skin you are IN



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Independence Day is a great holiday to spend enjoying the outdoors. As you are packing the cooler and beach bags, make sure to include a good sunscreen to protect your skin. After a confusing Google search to try to track down the best brands to share with you I came across a great article in the Mayo Clinic Newsletter that focused on use tips vs specific brands. Here is a quick review to help you ride out the rest of the fun summer while avoiding damage to your skin.

1. The Best Brand is the one that you like and will use consistently. Make sure to choose a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen that will protect from both UVA and UVB rays.

2. Apply carefully and often. Even Water Resistant products will wear off in 40-80 minutes if you are wet or sweating. Make sure to read the label for application instructions and keep an eye on expiration dates.

3. Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure. My personal opinion is that heavier creams provide the best coverage and protection but sprays can be great for hard to cover areas…like your scalp. When I see a mom at the pool spraying down her toddler I always hope that the first heavy cream layer went on at home and the spray is the quick touch up for a wet wiggly kiddo.

4. For prolonged exposure or outside events during peak sun hours of 10a-2p, clothing coverage is essential. AND UV light passes through clouds- so even if you can’t see the sun it can see you- stay covered!

Have fun out there but take care of the skin you are in…it has to last a lifetime!


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