
Storage Cabinet Makeover

In search of a storage solution for all of my makeup kit and cleaning supplies I headed to my favorite Lexington bargain locations, The Restore. I know exactly what I wanted- which is usually makes finding it very difficult. For some reason, the stars aligned and they had not one, but at least 20 of “just what I wanted”. After digging through and finding the least of the worst,  we settled on this old but sturdy dresser. It appears to have come out of a UK dorm and I am certain it could tell a story of two! Not very pretty but hard wood and solid according to my Dad who is my chief furniture remaking assistant and consultant.




We started with a good cleaning and sanding. In addition to a new paint job we decided that a set of pedestal legs would totally dress this baby up. Having no clue how to do that I searched the web and found a great blog: Thrifty Inspirations. Hip Hop Hooray for those that lead the way! Especially when they share the inspiration and know how!!





Adding a stencil design and fun hardware to the drawers also gave this piece new life.

And here it is…..happily existing in my foyer completely full of cool things like makeup brushes, cleansers, glitter and feathers! Every morning when I walk down my stairs this piece makes me happy!


A special thank you to my Dad for all of his help- I couldn’t have done it without him! Knowing that we did it together makes this chest even more of a treasure. Sorry, getting all sentimental on you.

Total investment: Probably $150. Chest $55. Legs $20 Paint $30 Hardware $40



Nicole and Bryce


Gorgeous blue eyes pop with neutral and peach tone shadows


Birdcage veil was the perfect pick for her short spunky hair and adds to the classic vintage feel of her look.

Enhancing lashes and lash line always looks awesome in the pictures!


Best of Friends: Bridesmaid makeup on beautiful Kristin…soft smoky eye with a neutral lip- her skin is perfection!


Classic lace gown was the absolute perfect feminine contrast in the rustic setting. Overall look? Stunning!


The pop of shoe color takes this very classic vintage look and adds a touch of modern! LOVE this blue!


Sweet personal details! Each place setting was unique and thoughtful.


Sweet touches of the holiday season tie in nicely with the wedding theme  without screaming “Christmas”!

One of the most exciting things for me was to escort Nicole down the “mountain” to her “first look”.( it’s probably just a hill but to this Florida girl it felt like a mountain) I stayed tucked away in my car as she and Bryce had some private time together before the start of a busy day. Photographers Steph and Dave captured the beauty of this moment as they discretely took photos from a distance. I have always loved the images captured at first looks but now I am a huge fan of what they can do for a nervous couple. As soon as Nicole saw her handsome groom-to-be she completely relaxed..all pre-wedding jitters were history and she was ready to enjoy the celebration.

Image Insight was honored to play a small part in this special day and thrilled that Nikkie and Bryce were our first KY wedding! Wishing Nicole and Bryce the lifetime of happiness that they so deserve!

A special thank you to photography team Steph and Dave…your images are stunning!!!! Thank you for sharing them with me!  My Tiny Wedding/Steph an Dave Photography

Adventures in Airbrushing Part II


Image Insight Makeup Artistry Website

It’s been an entire week of “science experiments” here at Image Insight as we work the airbrush products and techniques into our makeover systems. We have played with every combination of primers, concealers and fixing sprays to find the best “recipe” for the perfect finish! Just like traditional foundation airbrush makeup looks and lasts it’s best when the skin is prepped appropriately. We were impressed with the Temptu S/B foundations and have already ordered a backup supply in our favorite colors. We are very excited to now offer this option to our clients along with traditional color and foundation application. A special thank you to our new friends and Kara and Lea who not only subjected themselves to the learning process but offered great feedback along the way!!



Adventures in Airbrushing

Image Insight Website


For most of the past year Image Insight has been on hiatus as I spent my time and energy finishing up Gainesville biz and getting my family settled in Lexington. For those of you that have followed our adventure of home reconstruction you know that my creative efforts have been focused on building, painting and decorating. For a short time I actually considered hanging up my makeup artist hat for good. 😦 That thought lasted for possibly 20 minutes then the phone rang……it was one of my Makeup artist friends from Florida. After a quick conversation with Cindy, I knew there was no way to walk away from this passion. It’s all consuming….the need to seek out and enhance beauty.

With that revelation I have decided to restart in 2014 as an Airbrush Artist. For years I have avoided that trend. I love hands on foundation application and have heard over and over from clients, photographers and wedding planners that my “artwork”stays beautiful throughout the night. If it isn’t broken why fix it? Because sometimes to move forward you must embrace change. Airbrush may be a trend, but it appears to be a trend that isn’t going anywhere.

After tons of research the compressor gun and products have been ordered. Look out UPS man….I am eagerly awaiting your arrival! Don’t hang out too long or you may get airbrushed!

Feeling very blessed today for friends that call when God nudges them to do so, for a family that understands and encourages this passion, and for the wonderful life that we have in Kentucky.

Think pretty thoughts!


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A trial makeup session is so much more than just, well…. trying makeup. When I sit down with a Bride I want to get to know her, develop trust and truly get inspired as to what her vision is for her wedding day. As I chatted with Adelis her wedding day dreams unfolded: Spring, pastels, a beautiful Princess dress. She was planning this wedding with the assistance of Keith Watson Events so for sure each detail would be spectacular.

With perfect skin and big gorgeous brown eyes this young lady wore very little makeup on a daily basis, but wanted to enhance her natural beauty and appear flawless in her photos.

The beauty of Brown eyes is that they can be enhanced with any color. To keep Adelis looking natural we used flesh tone colors on her eyes. Mac’s matte “Wedge” and shimmery “Sable” were the perfect accents without stealing the show. We kept her foundation sheer, just enough to make her skin perfect for the camera and added Pinch Me Blush for a healthy cheek glow.

I arrived at 5am on her wedding day. We sat at the kitchen table like old friends chatting while I did her makeup for the very long day ahead. These are the best moments….quiet conversations with just the bride…sometimes sheltering her from what can be a chaotic environment as friends and family rush around getting ready. It all comes back to taking the time  in the beginning to build a relationship.

Wishing Adelis and David the Lifetime of Happiness that they so deserve! Thank you for allowing me to play a small part in your very special day!



Image Insight Makeup Artistry

Photo credit to the amazing: Russel Martin Photography

Event Planner: Keith Watson Events


Summer Makeup Strategies- Bronzer

Image Insight Website

To easily identify cheek bones make a

To easily identify cheek bones make a “fish face” and brush bronzer under them starting by ear and sweeping down towards center of face.

Bronzer is a great way to  warm up and shape the face. In this case, minimal blush color so  as not to compete with her red lips.

Bronzer is a great way to warm up and shape the face. In this case, minimal blush color so as not to compete with her vibrant red lips.

A warm glow with neutral with neutral lipcolor has this model glowing on the runway.

A warm glow with neutral with neutral lipcolor has this model glowing on the runway.

I adore bronzer.. it not only adds warmth and color  but most importantly, if used correctly, can add depth, change the shape, pop  the cheek bones or even take pounds off of a round face.

Here are a few Image Insight tips for purchasing and using your bronzer:

For the face sculpting effects you will need a Flat (non-shimmer) bronzer. Choose one that is one to two shades darker than your skin. A powder will be the easiest to use and blend but there are also great creams available for more drama. I like Mary Kay’s Sandstone for a soft look, and use Mac’s Matte Bronze for camera ready face for most Ivory/Beige skin tones.  Using a detailed cheek color brush apply this under the cheek bones, top of the forehead and under the chin…any area that you want to push back visually. See the diagram photo for exactly where to apply bronzer vs. hightlighter.

To achieve a simple summer glow find a shimmery warm bronzer. Use this on your cheek bones, forehead and chin to add color and shimmer and also  as a quick eyeshadow choice. Warning…..even a slight shimmer can call attention to facial flaws like acne, excess oil and fine lines…..always stick to matte products in problem  areas.

If you are diligently protecting your face from the damaging rays of the summer sun then there is a good chance that it will be a shade or 2 lighter than your chest and arms. Although it seems that your handy bronze powder may even things out if used all over, it will more than likely just make your face look dirty or streaky. The best way to correct the difference is by changing your foundation and powder colors and keep the bronze as an accessory.

Have fun…nothing says Summer like a beautiful bronze glow!!


Image Insight Makeup Artistry

Home Makeover- Lauren’s Room

Inspiration Room!

July 11th, 2013 1 Comment »




Moving might have been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but one of the best things that has come of it has been having the ability to have my dream room.  In Gainesville my room was bright and cheerful with the typical teenage vibe of pictures and posters everywhere. Here I am keeping my room high fashion and very simple. Everything in it is black and white and my only pop of color is my one red wall. This room has a couple of things that I have never had in a room before, a walk in closet, an amazing view, and enough room for a reclining chair. There is nothing I love more than relaxing in that chair while drinking coffee and reading a good book. It is also nice to sit in it to look into my closet and at my room to get inspiration for outfits and blogs. I think I will be living at home for a little while longer, the idea of going from this to a little apartment room makes me very sad!


Polka dot bows hold all of the drapes over my windows!


I have the best view in the house!

Posted in Daily Blog

One Response to “Inspiration Room!”

  1. Linda Hanson says:

    Nice! Can I have your room when you move out?

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Summer Makeup Strategies- 1

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In my previous life ( Florida) the heat and humidity started in May and didn’t end until well into October. One of the hottest topics (yes, pun intended) when working with my clients was always…how to keep your face from “melting off”. With last weeks rain and heat, it seems that summer has finally found us in Lexington and it might be a great time to review said topic.

Summer is a great time to lighten up! The best places to start are with your moisturizer and foundation. A lighter weight moisturizer or something with oil control can provide just enough moisture without contributing to shine.

Foundation will need to be color updated to work with your new skin tone if you have spent any time in the sun. This is a great time to consider a new lighter weight formula and or a combination product. Tinted moisturizers and BB Creams are a great way to get coverage, sunscreen and moisturizer all in one step. If you are a low maintenance girl this may be a perfect way to look good and get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning. For those of you with more challenging skin, you may be best choosing each step ( moisturizer, sunscreen and coverage) individually, to get the best result and a customized regimen that will keep your skin happy and healthy.

Another great foundation option, specifically for combination or oily skin is a mineral powder formula. Applied with a flat brush these can be layered for the desired amount of coverage and will be fantastic for weathering the heat and humidity of the day. 

Special occasions will still call for a true liquid foundation that will look flawless in person and also in digital photography. Tune in tomorrow to learn the secrets of keeping it in place without having to resort to the “fan in the face method”.


Image Insight Makeup Artistry

Red, white and blue!


Here it is, the reveal of our shopping adventure in Lexington’s Boutique. Lauren’s dress perfect for dressing up or down with just a quick accessory change. I imagine the CPW (cost per wear) will be very reasonable with this flexible piece. I can guarantee that we will see it again paired with Orange just in time for some Gator Football!

Thanks for sharing Lauren!

Lauren Allen’s Fashion Blog


Image Insight Makeup Artistry 





Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! We all know how much I love a holiday that I can dress up for, and the 4th of July is no exception. The other day I went shopping at Bluetique here in down town Lexington and I couldn’t leave without getting this dress. It is perfect for the 4th, the University of Kentucky games, and supporting my University of Florida Gators from another state.

While I was having fun trying this on I couldn’t resist photographing a dressed up option and a dressed down option. The first has a red bubble necklaces with simple nude pumps, and the second is dressed down with red Toms and a white leather bracelet. Unfortunately, it is supposed to storm all day and I may end up in shorts, but I hope to be able to wear my pretty new dress!



The Skin you are IN



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Independence Day is a great holiday to spend enjoying the outdoors. As you are packing the cooler and beach bags, make sure to include a good sunscreen to protect your skin. After a confusing Google search to try to track down the best brands to share with you I came across a great article in the Mayo Clinic Newsletter that focused on use tips vs specific brands. Here is a quick review to help you ride out the rest of the fun summer while avoiding damage to your skin.

1. The Best Brand is the one that you like and will use consistently. Make sure to choose a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen that will protect from both UVA and UVB rays.

2. Apply carefully and often. Even Water Resistant products will wear off in 40-80 minutes if you are wet or sweating. Make sure to read the label for application instructions and keep an eye on expiration dates.

3. Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure. My personal opinion is that heavier creams provide the best coverage and protection but sprays can be great for hard to cover areas…like your scalp. When I see a mom at the pool spraying down her toddler I always hope that the first heavy cream layer went on at home and the spray is the quick touch up for a wet wiggly kiddo.

4. For prolonged exposure or outside events during peak sun hours of 10a-2p, clothing coverage is essential. AND UV light passes through clouds- so even if you can’t see the sun it can see you- stay covered!

Have fun out there but take care of the skin you are in…it has to last a lifetime!


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