Home Makeover- Lauren’s Room

Inspiration Room!

July 11th, 2013 1 Comment »




Moving might have been one of the hardest things I have ever done, but one of the best things that has come of it has been having the ability to have my dream room.  In Gainesville my room was bright and cheerful with the typical teenage vibe of pictures and posters everywhere. Here I am keeping my room high fashion and very simple. Everything in it is black and white and my only pop of color is my one red wall. This room has a couple of things that I have never had in a room before, a walk in closet, an amazing view, and enough room for a reclining chair. There is nothing I love more than relaxing in that chair while drinking coffee and reading a good book. It is also nice to sit in it to look into my closet and at my room to get inspiration for outfits and blogs. I think I will be living at home for a little while longer, the idea of going from this to a little apartment room makes me very sad!


Polka dot bows hold all of the drapes over my windows!


I have the best view in the house!

Posted in Daily Blog

One Response to “Inspiration Room!”

  1. Linda Hanson says:

    Nice! Can I have your room when you move out?

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July challenge

Image Insight received a challenge from blogger Lauren Allen to get busy with our blogging this summer. Challenge accepted! I will post a blog daily in July sharing some of the thoughts that run through my brain while showering, swimming and painting in our never-ending home makeover project. Shortage of ideas is never an issue for me…..sitting down to write them in somewhat of an organized fashion….now that is the challenge. So stay tuned for some summer makeup tips, skin care tidbits and even an occasional home project that is keeping my creative mind happy while taking a break from a busy makeup biz.
Image Insight Makeup Artistry
