Red, white and blue!


Here it is, the reveal of our shopping adventure in Lexington’s Boutique. Lauren’s dress perfect for dressing up or down with just a quick accessory change. I imagine the CPW (cost per wear) will be very reasonable with this flexible piece. I can guarantee that we will see it again paired with Orange just in time for some Gator Football!

Thanks for sharing Lauren!

Lauren Allen’s Fashion Blog


Image Insight Makeup Artistry 





Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! We all know how much I love a holiday that I can dress up for, and the 4th of July is no exception. The other day I went shopping at Bluetique here in down town Lexington and I couldn’t leave without getting this dress. It is perfect for the 4th, the University of Kentucky games, and supporting my University of Florida Gators from another state.

While I was having fun trying this on I couldn’t resist photographing a dressed up option and a dressed down option. The first has a red bubble necklaces with simple nude pumps, and the second is dressed down with red Toms and a white leather bracelet. Unfortunately, it is supposed to storm all day and I may end up in shorts, but I hope to be able to wear my pretty new dress!



Making a Statement

Typically I would never advise matching your eye makeup to your outfit. In most situations it is better to choose shades that will enhance your eye color or add a fun compliment to your look for the day. However, rules are meant to be broken and when Lauren showed up with this very cool statement necklace I knew this was the time to break them.


After shaping her deep-set eyes with a matte flesh tone just above the crease we used Mac Gleam,a shimmery peach on her lids, then lined her top lashes with Lord it Up, a Mac soft shimmery brown. The color punch happens on the bottom lash line with Mac’s So There Jade.  We reinforced this fun color with Mary Kay’s AzureLook close enough in the above pic and you will see specks of wayward mascara. If this happens to you, don’t think you have to sacrifice the entire masterpiece….just give the mascara a minute to dry and it will easily fleck off with a Q Tip without messing up your cool shadows.

We finished off this look with an application of MK Toffee Lipcolor. Neutral enough not to distract from the eyes but enough color to make my lipstick lovin' model a happy girl.

We finished off this look with an application of MK Toffee Lipcolor. Neutral enough not to distract from the eyes but enough color to make my lipstick lovin’ model a happy girl.




All glammed up and ready for her blog photos and a Bday celebration

All glammed up and ready for her blog photos and a Bday celebration

love how these eyes mirror her statement necklace

love how these eyes mirror Lauren’s statement necklace






Image Insight Website



I was beyond excited when my favorite cosmetic company introduced a new translucent powder this Spring. This product is very similar to a powder that I have had in my kit for a couple of years but at a better price and with claims to work on all skin types and tones all while softening the appearance of skin imperfections. YES! After a trial run on my own skin for a week I was in love, and it was it time to “kit” test it.

Thanks toLauren and her blog,  I had a ready subject. We prepped her skin as always and followed the foundation with a generous application of powder, specifically under her eyes to catch the fallout of mineral powders used for her fun eye look.
Once we finished applying her shadows I used a big fluffy brush to remove the excess powder. Final pics taken for her blog were perfect. No white cast from the powder and no settling into the eye area. Her skin looks flawless. This product is a keeper and will soon be found in the Image Insight Makeup Kit!




Home Makeover 2- From Red to Red?

IMG_0075 IMG_0074 DSC_0067The first room to get a new look in our KY home was the dining room. It started off as a Cranberry Red. Not a bad shade but a little too pink for my color palette. As you can see in the first 2 pictures as I apply the Brick red it looks almost orange on the original paint. I have learned not to make a judgment on the color until all the walls are done because it is difficult to look past the conflict of the old and new colors. The final result- a nice warm red that showcases the existing top treatments ( yay, don’t have to buy new ones) and the white wood work, but will also harmonize with the colors in the rest of the house. In fact- this brick red may very likely turn up somewhere else!

What I learaned in this process? Red paint is a lot like red lipstick! It needs to be  surrounded by neutral colors because it really likes to be the star of the show AND it can be challenging to apply and keep within the lines. A q-tip dipped in makeup remover followed by a clean up with just a little liquid foundation on a brush is a great way to perfect an imperfect red lip line. I wish that touching up the crown molding was that easy but it wasn’t. Now that it’s done I love the clean crisp look!


Home Makeover 1

photo (6)Our family has a new home that needs a makeover. It is beautiful in so many ways but could use an update and an infusion of  personality. What better way to transform a space than with color? As a makeup artist color is so important to my world I thought it would be fun to blog about the process.

I started by choosing  a palate of colors that I can use throughout my home. After much searching the Sherwin Williams collection entitled “Urban Organic” won me over. I love the options of vibrant colors mixed in with peaceful neutrals. To help with final selection we called in the expert- the Sherwin Williams decorator made the trek out to our country home  and went room to room with me choosing shades. Her expertise saved me so much time and money! This home is flooded with natural light and requires more depth of color than I could have imagined. With list and plan  in hand I was able to head to the store and purchase enough paint for 6 room makeovers- confident that all rooms would have their own character and also coexist peacefully within the home.

I can makeover a face in just 30 minutes or less…thinking this project may take a little longer. Stay tuned for the play by play!

Enhancing beauty, creating confidence and having fun with color!

Trish Allen

Image Insight Makeup Artistry


Orange Lips steal the show

Orange Lips steal the show

blog day 279b

One of my favorite makeup looks is simple defined eyes combined with an intense lip color! This is a look that is often considered vintage but can also be very modern and always fun! For Lauren this is a signature look! Check out how she uses Mary Kay’s “Firecracker” as a pop of color for her neutral outfit.