Adventures in Airbrushing

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For most of the past year Image Insight has been on hiatus as I spent my time and energy finishing up Gainesville biz and getting my family settled in Lexington. For those of you that have followed our adventure of home reconstruction you know that my creative efforts have been focused on building, painting and decorating. For a short time I actually considered hanging up my makeup artist hat for good. 😦 That thought lasted for possibly 20 minutes then the phone rang……it was one of my Makeup artist friends from Florida. After a quick conversation with Cindy, I knew there was no way to walk away from this passion. It’s all consuming….the need to seek out and enhance beauty.

With that revelation I have decided to restart in 2014 as an Airbrush Artist. For years I have avoided that trend. I love hands on foundation application and have heard over and over from clients, photographers and wedding planners that my “artwork”stays beautiful throughout the night. If it isn’t broken why fix it? Because sometimes to move forward you must embrace change. Airbrush may be a trend, but it appears to be a trend that isn’t going anywhere.

After tons of research the compressor gun and products have been ordered. Look out UPS man….I am eagerly awaiting your arrival! Don’t hang out too long or you may get airbrushed!

Feeling very blessed today for friends that call when God nudges them to do so, for a family that understands and encourages this passion, and for the wonderful life that we have in Kentucky.

Think pretty thoughts!


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Red, white and blue!


Here it is, the reveal of our shopping adventure in Lexington’s Boutique. Lauren’s dress perfect for dressing up or down with just a quick accessory change. I imagine the CPW (cost per wear) will be very reasonable with this flexible piece. I can guarantee that we will see it again paired with Orange just in time for some Gator Football!

Thanks for sharing Lauren!

Lauren Allen’s Fashion Blog


Image Insight Makeup Artistry 





Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! We all know how much I love a holiday that I can dress up for, and the 4th of July is no exception. The other day I went shopping at Bluetique here in down town Lexington and I couldn’t leave without getting this dress. It is perfect for the 4th, the University of Kentucky games, and supporting my University of Florida Gators from another state.

While I was having fun trying this on I couldn’t resist photographing a dressed up option and a dressed down option. The first has a red bubble necklaces with simple nude pumps, and the second is dressed down with red Toms and a white leather bracelet. Unfortunately, it is supposed to storm all day and I may end up in shorts, but I hope to be able to wear my pretty new dress!



The Skin you are IN



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Independence Day is a great holiday to spend enjoying the outdoors. As you are packing the cooler and beach bags, make sure to include a good sunscreen to protect your skin. After a confusing Google search to try to track down the best brands to share with you I came across a great article in the Mayo Clinic Newsletter that focused on use tips vs specific brands. Here is a quick review to help you ride out the rest of the fun summer while avoiding damage to your skin.

1. The Best Brand is the one that you like and will use consistently. Make sure to choose a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen that will protect from both UVA and UVB rays.

2. Apply carefully and often. Even Water Resistant products will wear off in 40-80 minutes if you are wet or sweating. Make sure to read the label for application instructions and keep an eye on expiration dates.

3. Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure. My personal opinion is that heavier creams provide the best coverage and protection but sprays can be great for hard to cover areas…like your scalp. When I see a mom at the pool spraying down her toddler I always hope that the first heavy cream layer went on at home and the spray is the quick touch up for a wet wiggly kiddo.

4. For prolonged exposure or outside events during peak sun hours of 10a-2p, clothing coverage is essential. AND UV light passes through clouds- so even if you can’t see the sun it can see you- stay covered!

Have fun out there but take care of the skin you are in…it has to last a lifetime!


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True Blue


Today I want Boutique Hopping with Lauren as she delivered copies of the latest edition of Mour Magazine around Lexington. Most often we dropped and ran but we ended our adventure at one of Lauren’s very favorite shopping locations- Bluetique Cheap Chic . Lauren’s  search today was for something blue and white to wear on July 4th and also for upcoming UK events. After a quick search through the racks she found her hearts desire. I can’t show you the finished outfit- that is top secret until her blog is published on the 4th, but I have been granted permission to give you a sneak peek. Included in the photo is my top choice lipcolor for this week in Firecracker, made by Mary Kay- a perfect pop of red to make this outfit appropriately festive for the occasion. You will have to log on to Lauren’s Blog on Thursday to see the final creation.


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Making a Statement

Typically I would never advise matching your eye makeup to your outfit. In most situations it is better to choose shades that will enhance your eye color or add a fun compliment to your look for the day. However, rules are meant to be broken and when Lauren showed up with this very cool statement necklace I knew this was the time to break them.


After shaping her deep-set eyes with a matte flesh tone just above the crease we used Mac Gleam,a shimmery peach on her lids, then lined her top lashes with Lord it Up, a Mac soft shimmery brown. The color punch happens on the bottom lash line with Mac’s So There Jade.  We reinforced this fun color with Mary Kay’s AzureLook close enough in the above pic and you will see specks of wayward mascara. If this happens to you, don’t think you have to sacrifice the entire masterpiece….just give the mascara a minute to dry and it will easily fleck off with a Q Tip without messing up your cool shadows.

We finished off this look with an application of MK Toffee Lipcolor. Neutral enough not to distract from the eyes but enough color to make my lipstick lovin' model a happy girl.

We finished off this look with an application of MK Toffee Lipcolor. Neutral enough not to distract from the eyes but enough color to make my lipstick lovin’ model a happy girl.




All glammed up and ready for her blog photos and a Bday celebration

All glammed up and ready for her blog photos and a Bday celebration

love how these eyes mirror her statement necklace

love how these eyes mirror Lauren’s statement necklace


Home makeover 3- A Grand Entrance

This could be the most dramatic makeover yet for our new home. With a full 2 stories, beautiful staircase and tons of natural light the entryway to this home had so much potential for drama. The walls were painted the same white as the trim which looked clean and neat but also made the space feel massive and a little sterile and did nothing to enhance the wood work in the staircase. With the help of my Sherwin Williams color expert we selected ” bracing blue” for the walls of this space. Even though I am a “do it myself” girl, I knew that I was in way over my head with this painting job so I relinquished control and we hired painters.
The blue walls make a statement in their own but also play nicely with the main living areas that surround the foyer creating a color harmony that makes traveling through the house a pleasant experience.The deeper color makes the white woodwork pop and the blue enhances the golden tones in the staircase. To pull in the necessary makeup analogy… eye shadows can be a great choice for someone with golden brown eyes. With a bold eye look always choose a softer more nude lip so that the colors play nice together.






Orange Lips steal the show

Orange Lips steal the show

blog day 279b

One of my favorite makeup looks is simple defined eyes combined with an intense lip color! This is a look that is often considered vintage but can also be very modern and always fun! For Lauren this is a signature look! Check out how she uses Mary Kay’s “Firecracker” as a pop of color for her neutral outfit.